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Frequently Asked Questions

When is the program?

The program runs 10 weeks from May 23 – July 29. As a guideline, we expect you to work approximately 20 hours per week. However, this is flexible, and you should talk with your research mentor about any specifics.

What are the working hours?

The program is designed for you to work a total of 200 hours over the 10 week period. Allocated evenly, you would work 20 hours per week. There is flexibility in how you manage your time. Please work with your research mentor to form a schedule that accommodates your needs.

Will I get paid?

Yes! Every participant will receive a stipend totaling $3,000 for the summer. Because this is a stipend, you do not have to log hours worked or clock-in/out. The payment will be dispersed evenly over the 10 week period and paid in bi-weekly installments.

Do I get time off?

Technically, no. But since the work hours are flexible, you can talk with your research mentor about adjusting your schedule to accommodate taking time off (one example: working 40hrs one week and taking the following week off).

Are we required to attend the workshops?

You are required to attend 75% of the workshops offered. We are hosting 9 workshops, so you will be required to attend at least 7. There are workshops offered by NC State from the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) and workshops offered by our own TECS Department. Attending a workshop by either party will count towards the requirement.

If you have a question that is not answered here, please email with your question.